Take it from Snee: Join my 2010 campaign

I, Rick Snee, am throwing my hat into the ring and am officially campaigning for 2010.

No, I’m not running for office. The mere fact that I, me, am qualified only reflects how unqualified most other elected officials are. Besides, the pay’s terrible, the old guys are creepy and–because I insist on burying my own hookers myself–the hours are long.

I am campaigning for the fight of the decade: how to pronounce 2010. While some may opt for the trite “two-thousand-ten” pronunciation (which says little about their personal hygiene or moral fiber), I am a firm believer that it is time for this nation to grow up and call it Twenty-Ten as God meant it to be called. Continue reading Take it from Snee: Join my 2010 campaign

Second Coming (of Steve Jobs)?

Apple owners, rejoice! Rejoice, for the prices on everything in the Mac Store have lowered dramatically!

Nanos, Touches and even Classics are priced to reach even the meekest of hands! The day of everyone embracing the work of Jobs is nigh!

… Or there’s something new coming out that will keep the power balance between us elites and the Zune-clappers where it belongs.

So, praise Jobs for drawing PCheapskates into the fold, but praise him again as we lord over them with our iPod Thoughts or iTricorders or whatever.

Deep blue motorcycle

Apparently chess isn’t the best game to play drunk. Despite beer pong, Madden, pool and darts paving the way for drunken excellence while hammered, dozing off after only 11 moves during an international tournament is grounds for losing on a technicality.

In our drunk bishop’s defense though, Vladislav Tkachiev is French, so other than champagne and baguettes, we’re not sure if they can handle booze.

An Internet star born–in a nursing home

Let’s face it, England has been boring since the end of World War II. Sure, they had a few good bands in the 1960s, but they all came over to the U.S. as soon as they could. Since then, it’s been Bond movies and David Beckham as highlights.

Perhaps that is why a 104-year old English woman is so popular on Twitter. She’s got over 27,000 followers and she loves tweeting, as the kids say.

She and other old ladies tweet about fun things like hair, Jell-O and brands of adult diapers. You can smell the excitement.

Perhaps the followers are hanging in suspense for when she kicks the tweet bucket.