Hitler ruins yearbook, little mustaches

It’s been 70 years since World War II, and yet Adolf Hitler is still finding new things to ruin. Since his first blitzkrieg in the 1930s, he’s stolen the following from us:

  • Armbands.
  • Little mustaches, which really sucks for the facial hair-impaired.
  • That Hindu swastika thing.
  • Goose-steeping.
  • Speaking German passionately. (That’s why they’re all nihilists now.)

And now, we can add the 2010 Easton Area High School Yearbook.

Somehow, a quote from the worst person in human history was printed onto page 190 of their yearbook, and attributed by name, yet nobody knows how it happened. Some believe though that it was one of those rare full sentence typos because, as Christian Bardales put it: “Our diversity is very strong so I believe it was just a mistake.”

Oh yeah, Christian? If your diversity is so strong, then how come there aren’t any Nazis at your school?

Bagpipes are totally acceptable

Pope Benedict XVI is going to the United Kingdom in September, probably to tell everyone that he remembers back when he was a kid and England was still Catholic.

What exactly the pope is doing on his trip is unimportant. What is important is that if you are going to see His Holiness, you cannot bring your vuvuzela with you. It seems, even Jesus doesn’t want to hear those things, especially not during mass.

Also, don’t bring your thousands of angry bees, either. They might get confused for a vuvuzela.