MasterChugs Theater: ‘The Garbage Pail Kids Movie’

A few weeks ago, fellow Guy Bryan McBournie discussed with me the revelation that The Garbage Pail Kids Movie was available for streaming on Netflix. I’ve not heard many, nay, any good things about the movie, but hey, I’ll give almost any movie a shot.

This would fall under the category of  “Bad Decisions Made By Chris.” What follows is my real-time blogging while watching the movie. Continue reading MasterChugs Theater: ‘The Garbage Pail Kids Movie’

Oh noes! Not that fine Alabama education!

Gov. Robert Bentley is determined to prove that Alabama doesn’t just come before Arizona alphabetically. And to do that, he signed what is being hailed as the toughest bill against illegal immigration in the United States.

In Arizona, the police can only single you out for driving while “probably Mexican, I guess?” Gov. Bentley and the Republican-majority Alabama State House took one look at that law and said, “Yeah, but what about their brood?”

The bill will require all students in public schools to provide proof of citizenship, or they will be denied the privilege of attending the school system that the U.S. Department of Education ranked 44th for 8th grade readers in 2009 and 40th for writing in 2007. (Both are the latest available years.)

Just A Suggestion: It’s not a punishment if staying out of Alabama schools may improve the English of non-native speakers.

And then come the dogs with bees in their mouth

Occasionally, the phrase “the cure is worse than the disease” is bandied about. More often than not, this is uttered by nancy-men and ninnies that are too scared to risk anything ever in life. But sometimes, just sometimes, there’s a kernel of truth in the adage.

This is one of those times.

That day, the sea was red with paint

On June 6, 1944, the Allied Forces made the largest-scale amphibious landing the world has ever seen, better known as D-Day. The effort gave the Allies a foothold in occupied France, and led to the war’s end a year later. A lot of lives were lost that day, so we honor their memory on the anniversary of the operation, each in our own way.

In Oklahoma, that means paintball.

Just as so many brave men did 67 years ago, armies clashed in a battle for the future of Europe — armed with paintball guns, you know, just like they did it before. About 3,000 people too part in the re-enactment of the operation over 800 acres. We’re guessing that the whole amphibious part was left out, since Oklahoma doesn’t exactly have any beachheads to storm.