The McBournie Minute: I’m still as cool as I was in college, right?

It’s been the better part of a decade since I graduated college. I’d like to think that there is still a lot of the same kid who was spat out of school with a degree and debt. After all, a lot of the people I’m closest to I’ve known since college. I’d like to think that I still have the equal parts passion for what I do and the apathy for taking orders. But this past weekend I realized I’m way off.

I went this past weekend to Ohio University for my fiance’s sister’s graduation. It was probably the first time I’ve spent on any college campus that wasn’t my alma mater. Further, none of my college friends were there, so rather than try to re-live the glory days, I had a chance to see what college is like now. I wasn’t around long enough to get anything near the full picture, but I got a glimpse.

College today would kick my ass.
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Preventing allergies is a sucker’s game

Who knew that club kids grow up into moms to rave about? The Swedes, that's who.
Who knew that club kids grow up into moms to rave about? The Swedes, that’s who.

Nobody wants to raise the allergy kid. But, sometimes it’s just fate that your kid is the reason why peanut butter isn’t allowed in the school … Or is it? What if you could John Connor that fate, and make it by being as disgusting and lazy as possible?

The Swedes have somehow learned that you can train your infant’s immune system by sticking their pacifier in your mouth before sticking it into theirs. The resulting spit transfer delivers your mouth’s bacteria to theirs, teaching their immune system to ignore harmless elements like cat dander, pollen and other allergens instead of attacking them.

And, if you’re sucking on their pacifier because you dropped ecstasy, you can teach your infant the colors of all their favorite letters before high school.

A pill to keep you from doing dumb things for pretty girls

Women are sexy, and men are affected by this on a daily basis. They are more susceptible to suggestion and overall more malleable under a woman’s power. That’s why The Guys have a daily regimen of minocycline.

A study in Japan has shown that the acne antibiotic minocycline can help protect a man’s brain from the clutches of pretty ladies. Researchers found that in a trust game involving money, men who were given a placebo were more likely to trust attractive women, and with more money than less attractive women. Men who took minocycline were far less likely to trust women based on their physical appearance.

In other words, there’s a drug that can keep you from falling prey to trifling women.

(via Brian C.)