Drink like an athlete

australian-gatoradeDo you get easily bored during exercise? If only someone had developed a product that you can drink that makes mundane activities like family reunions and bowling more exciting. If only …

Australian scientists knew the answer to our rhetorical question before we could even ask it. They’ve developed a beer with electrolytes — or, what plants crave — that rehydrates both you and your liver.  (Bonus: it’s a light beer, so you won’t accidentally bulk up on it, ladies.)

Testing showed that, out of four beers, it was the best at hydrating you after a workout. This is pretty much how The Guys choose anything: what’s the best option for rehydration? Uh-huh, Gatorade, right. And what’s the best option on tap?

Special thanks to Patrick H. for the link.

Teaching cybersecurity at a young age

Don’t have kids. No, really, don’t. We’re talking to you, dear reader. None of The Guys have children, and we live happily empty lives. Not convinced?

Not only are children a drain on your bank account from before they are even born, they are a threat to your privacy. A couple in Houston found that out when someone hacked into their baby monitor and used it against them. In the middle of the night, they awoke to find someone yelling at their two-year-old. Then, when the camera turned and saw the parents enter the room, it started yelling at them, too. (Sidebar: When did baby monitors go online? When did they get cameras? And why would they have an audio feed into the kid’s room?)

If a random person can access your baby monitor, you can bet your Facebook profile that the NSA can, too. And no one wants them raising their kids.

Once again, don’t have children. That is all.