You Missed It: J. Jonah Maduro Editon

Not helping your case any, Pete.
Not helping your case any, Pete.

What. A. Week. First, we had the collapse of both of my fantasy football teams, then we had the abortion known as Dads. Luckily, we also saw the return of Key & Peele, then the annual holiday that is Talk Like a Pirate Day was yesterday. That said, we just discovered that Bryan McBournie is gone. Who knew? We suspect that he’s on vacation, but he may just be stuck in an airport, strumming along on an acoustic guitar. Or tapping his foot in a specific pattern in an airport bathroom stall. You know, either or. If you were busy slowly reversing the multiple centuries long conditioned discrimination of gays and lesbians, odds are you missed it.

Maldigo esa amenaza rastreros de pared!
There’s a new president in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, and he’s doing his damnedest to separate himself from the previous president, Hugo Chavez. His plan? Blame youth violence on Spider-Man, connecting a teenager carrying a 9mm with the fictional New Yorker. Presumably, Venezuela is only just now getting their 90’s era comics and most local comic shops in the country over-ordered on issues of Venom. In his defense, all spider-people look the same.

Seventh time’s the try
The newest iPhone, iPad and iPod operating system, iOS 7, came out this week. Its appearance is different from anything that Apple’s ever put out before. Of course, there will be some people that are unable to use the new OS. You might call them Mom, Dad, Grandma or even friend. Apple calls them wallets with legs. McBournie may possibly be in trouble and tried to get our attention, but considering 3/4’s of the guys are iPhone users, we’ve been too busy with the new shiny.

It’s almost got a movie by the Asylum already written
It’s now suspected that what used to be a rare freshwater brain-eating amoeba, now on the rise, Naegleria fowleri, may have originated in Hurricane Katrina. Thanks a lot, Obama.

And now, a public service announcement

SeriouslyGuys doesn’t recommend, advise or condone the impersonation of police officers. That said, if you’re going to do so, we do think it should be used in select situations:

  • Robbing a bank
  • Stopping a crime, a la that one time in Law & Order SVU
  • Pulling over anyone involved in Duck Dynasty

When not to:

Animals want to ruin your wedding

If you’re planning to get married, make sure that your ceremony doesn’t include animals as a pivotal part. They are sure to ruin everything.

In England, a couple planned to have a trained owl fly down through the church and deliver the rings. (The Guys believe that this is part of all English weddings, along with eating the matrimonial blood sausage.) But the owl instead flew into the church’s rafters and decided instead to take a nap. The owl eventually woke up, but could not be coaxed down for an hour.

Maybe it saw some church mice.