Eat My Sports: Four years in the making

It’s the magical time of year again, Febtober. It’s been four years since I’ve been psyched for postseason baseball, due in large part to Boston’s historic collapse, chicken and beer and Bobby Valentine.

Though I’m not that far into my 30s, it’s still weird to know that the last time the Red Sox were in the MLB playoffs, I was in my mid-20s. It’s a weird perspective, but it doesn’t feel like that long. It’s given me time to think, wow, President Obama went through his entire first term and got re-elected since then. The standard for cellphones has gone from flip phones to LTE handheld computers, and Miley Cyrus has gone from Disney childhood sweetheart to mega-prostitute. It’s hard comprehending all this. Continue reading Eat My Sports: Four years in the making

U.S. no longer able to win wars against poorly-defined, intangible things

So, things are not looking good for the “War on Drugs.” Well, if you’re ag’in’em, anyway.

While drug busts and seizures are up, the prices of cocaine, heroin and marijuana are way down. On top of that, their purity has also gone up significantly. All together, this means that, yes, Western governments are “catching lots of bad guys” and “getting drugs off the streets.” But, only because there’s so much of it that it’s a buyers’ market now.

Based on new research, bragging about a successful drug raid is like bragging about finding a Tickle Me Elmo in the toy store ... today, not in 1996.
Based on new research, bragging about a successful drug raid is like bragging about finding a Tickle Me Elmo in the toy store … today, not in 1996.

It’s times like these when The Guys are glad that we stick to realistic, winnable wars, like our wars on animals, robots, aliens, education and art.

Blame properly assigned to the correct party in the wrong

It’s taken us MULTIPLE years, but by God, we finally did it!

A spider is officially the wrongful cause and party in a traffic accident!

That’s not just SG giving you the good work. No, Pennsylvania State Police are saying that a spider distracted driver Alek Tarr while he was behind the wheel of a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix (side note: nothing good ever happens in a Pontiac Grand Prix). The arachnid, presumably trying to assassinate Tarr for some reason or another, was spotted, causing Tarr to take the car off the road and eventually spin out of control. Somehow, both Tarr and his passenger made it out of the crash without an injury. If there’s any justice on this planet, the spider will have made it out of the accident unhurt as well, if only so that it can have its day in court.

There’s a big ol’ threat in China

If you’re planning on going to China any time soon, don’t forget your giant fly-swatter. It could save your life.

Because of the heat waves experienced throughout parts of Asia this summer, the giant hornet and predatory wasp populations have exploded in China. We don’t need to tell you that’s a bad thing. They can grow up to two inches long, their stings feel like a hot nail, and, oh yeah, they can kill you.

What’s worse, scientists believe that if climate change continues, predatory wasps will soon be found in Europe.