Eat My Sports: The more things stay the same, the more things stay the same

It’s been a great decade being a Red Sox fan, multiple championships, charismatic teams and beards, not much to complain about. Three World Series titles in a decade somewhat gives you a feeling that your team being in the hunt is at least the minimum expectation. I mean let’s be real, there is no Sox fan that will ever tell you they feel they will win it all at the beginning of the year, out of shear fear that single statement will jinx the team for eternity.

Now, all that being said, aside from the feeling of being at least in contention, there is one more thing that we have gotten accustomed to as fans, and not really just this past decade, but in general, players leaving for more money with the Yankees. Continue reading Eat My Sports: The more things stay the same, the more things stay the same

If you give a snake a mouse …

"Eat me, ha-ha!"
“Eat me, ha-ha!”

… he’ll probably wonder why it smells like the first thing to ever overdose on Tylenol.

Frequent readers know that we are at war with animals everywhere. But there’s only one spot in the world where the War on Animals is an actual Syfy original movie: Guam. The teeny-tiny island nation is so overrun with brown tree snakes that they’ve wiped out nearly all — no, really: ALL — native bird species. They’re also somewhat poisonous and have attacked pets and children. And because they were introduced by accident through military cargo flights, there are no native predators to thin their numbers naturally.

So, if cargo plans were the problem, then cargo planes are the solution! … In that those planes are now parachuting dead mice full of acetaminophen (Tylenol) as a very different type of Mickey.

It beats their original idea: airdropping an Irish priest with a whackin’ stick into the jungle.

Special thanks to Patrick H. for his continued support!

Holiday financial cheer will cost ya

I am not opposed to free money. Not in the slightest. Free money is always fine with me, but apparently, not so much in Minnesota. Serge Vorobyov proceeded to throw, according to reports, his last thousand dollars (in stripper level amounts) over the third floor railing at the Mall of America on Black Friday. Why did he do so? We’re being given conflicting reasons:

  • Bloomington police, who said it was just a publicity stunt that Vorobyov hoped would persuade his estranged girlfriend to get back together
  • Vorobyov admitted throwing the money, which he had stamped with his YouTube address to direct people to it
  • He says he decided to throw out his “last $1,000 … to spread some holiday cheer … to make it snow money”

The chances of the three reasons all being one big happy accident are slim and none. So what’s the real reason? Who knows, but his act of charity ended in Vorobyov receiving a disorderly conduct ticket. I think the real question is just how much that’ll cost him.

The lines in the War on Animals on trial in N.Y.

A group is asking that a court to decide that a 26-year-old chimpanzee is a person, sort of in the way that corporations are people for some reason.

The Nonhuman Rights Project, a group that can only be described as an insurgency, insists that the chimp be declared a person by a New York court so that it can live in better conditions than its “small, dank cement cage.” People, this is a war, and prisoners of war deserve decent treatment under the Geneva Convention, but we can’t start calling animals people. Because when everyone is a person, no one is a person.

And then who are we fighting?