Gas problems at the burrito factory

Ever get one of those Evol frozen burritos at your grocery store? You’re not the only one with gas problems.

The Evol Foods building in Colorado had to be evacuated because of a gas leak. Surprisingly, though, it wasn’t a high concentration of fart-related gasses like methane that sickened workers, it was carbon monoxide. Authorities believe that the gas was caused by charging batteries, or it came from Larry, who reported the problem, because he who smelt it dealt it.

I don’t think that’s how noblesse oblige works

Here’s (apparently) a rich man/poor man situation: peeing in public.

Super duper millionaire Robert Durst is accused of peeing in a Texas CVS. Why would someone with so much money do such a thing? Nobody knows. Perhaps he wanted to flaunt his ability to easily get out of a misdemeanor. Perhaps he really wanted to go. Perhaps he was marking his territory. The most logical scenario is that, as he’s super rich, he was probably in a suit and had his fly down, without him even knowing so.

Hey, he wouldn’t be the only one to accidentally have his fly down when he wears a suit.