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With the NFL these days, it’s hard to tell whether you want to watch it, or turn it off for good. While the Ray Rice situation may have made us thought we had reached the bottom of the barrel, Adrian Peterson has reminded us that things can always get worse.

I got spanked as a kid, and probably because I deserved it. But the thing that everyone kept bringing up since Friday, and I totally agree with: spanking is one thing, beating your kid until there is blood and scars is another.

Peterson, I believe, more so than Rice, deserves to be banned from the league. Because while Rice has an isolated incident, we are seeing a pattern I from Peterson that is having him abuse multiple children and it is being tolerated by the Vikings by allowing him to play. Rice got his judgement, then was given double jeopardy by the league, but Peterson is being allowed to skate, simply because a video doesn’t exist.

If Roger Goodell doesn’t step up now to make an example, he may as well step down, because he’s saying you can be held accountable for beating your wife, but not your children.

Taco Bell customers are still the worst

How many of you have seen Falling Down? In one scene in the movie, Michael Douglas’ character is just late enough to a McDonald’s that they’ve switched from their breakfast menu to their lunch menu. Douglas proceeds to shoot into the ceiling with a machine gun he has on hand (you have to see the movie) while venting his frustration. The point is that the guy, despite may having a bad day, is an a-hole for doing such a thing. It’s just a McMuffin.

Taco Bell customers are just the same, if not worse (warning: autoplay). In Tucson this past weekend, because of a woman’s order, the menu switched from breakfast to lunch menu. This infuriated the couple in the drive-thru behind her. They proceeded to hunt her down, scream obscenities at her and attack her.

No matter what Taco Bell says, their food is not worth the meat paste gun it’s caulked out of, much less worth coming to blows over. It’s still horrible food.

Your boss may be a psycho

You hate your boss. You think he or she does a terrible job of managing employees, and that you could do a better job. More so, you think your boss is a psycho. You may not be wrong on that last one.

According to a peer-reviewed study by an undergraduate student, there could be a higher level of psychopaths in managerial positions because they are able to manipulate tests that companies give in ways that hide their true nature. So if your boss is manipulative, lacking of empathy, and a known liar, you may just have psychopath for a boss. We don’t suggest comparing business cards with them.