Bend-Ghazi the latest scourge of first world nations

The new iPhone 6 and 6+, the latest evils in Bryan McBournie’s life, just came out, and if they’re not being dropped just outside of the store where they’ve been purchased, then they’re being bent in the skinny jeans of hipsters around the world.

It would seem that when pressure is applied to the frame of either phone, it tends to bend. People have lost their mind, blaming Apple for “inherent flaws in the design” and your general run-of-the-mill “THISISTHEWORSTYOURHITLER” types of cries of anger. Except, a phone bending is what happens when pressure is applied to any metal phone, Apple or Android-based.

How about this? Leaving your phone in your pocket while you’re driving or sitting may not be a smart idea. For those that do so, we declare you morons. Put it in a cup holder, for crying out loud. For those that don’t, we have no praise for you, as that’s what you should be doing anyways.

Rod Stewart’s fans are old

"If you want this body, and you think I'm sexy, let me know by bleeding all over your shirt."
“If you want this body, and you think I’m sexy, let me know by bleeding all over your shirt.”

Let’s say you’re a famous singer from the 1970s, and you’re fortunate enough to keep up a following today. What can we assume about your audience?

  1. Whereas life expectancy has risen over the proceeding decades, quality of that extended life has not.
  2. Your audience consists of people who get a thrill from raspy love ballads about sail boats.

Therefore, your audience is old, frail and presumably not amped up for sports. You should probably stop bludgeoning them in the face with kicked soccer balls, Rod.

Drink yourself to fitness

If you would rather do 12-ounce curls at a bar than lift weights in a gym, science is here to make you feel good about your life choices.

According to a recent study, you can probably just have some wine to get the same benefits of working out. Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, was found to improve heart function, as well as muscle strength, which you might notice are some benefits of exercising.

Even better, mix some vodka in with your sports drink when you go to the gym and get double the benefits.