Lack of creativity now joins IPA’s as the banes of craft brewing

Legal action is now the newest flavor for craft breweries.

It would appear that all of the good names (and even some of the bad ones) have been taken in the world of beer. Everyone’s got their own flavor, whether it’s an IPA, a lager or even a doppelbock; however, the problem is that everyone’s using the same names. This has resulted in a golden age for lawyers, especially those specializing in trademarks and arbitration.

A tip for the consumer-minded craft brewer: don’t be afraid to do a little homework before making that label.

Another tip for the consumer-minded craft brewer: SeriouslyGuys, as a flavor name, is totally up for sale.

The World War II on Animals

Did you know that during World War II, two German farmers, who happened to be brothers and Nazis, tried to breed an extinct type of cattle called the auroch? It’s true. The auroch was a symbol of the Aryan movement or something. They failed, but they created a new type of cow.

A British farmer, we won’t guess his politics, has maintained a small herd of the ubercow, but was forced to cull seven of them because they were too aggressive and put his staff’s lives in danger. Yes, even Nazi cows are aggressive.

Folks, we all know that Nazism is wrong. And Chick-Fil-A commercials have taught us that cows are dirty tricksters. Nazi cows must be stopped at all cows. The Guys want to see some D-Day veterans given the honor of culling the rest of the herd, to save civilization once again.