You Missed It: Endless winter edition

"I regret nothiiiiiing!"
“I regret nothiiiiiing!”

Does anyone know who the Oscars are for at this point? Who is the target audience? I’m all for a celebration of good films, but it seems like most of the movies nominated these days are ones few people actually saw. It’s probably my fault I didn’t see more than a couple of them this year, but come on, did anyone see The Theory of Everything for a reason other than it was destined to be nominated? This year, I’m just watching for the Samsung product placement stunts. If you were busy watching a terrible sit-com end this week, odds are you missed it.

Winter will not go quietly
This week, a cold snap hit much of the East Coast and eastern Midwest, breaking record lows all over and generally messing up people’s lives. Boston got even more snow, and the mayor had to issue a warning for residents to stop leaping from windows into snowdrifts, as it could cause serious injury. To which Bostonians replied, “We weren’t trying to survive the fall.”

Rock the mic like a burglar
Speaking of cold, washed up rapper Vanilla Ice was arrested and charged with burglary in Florida this week. Authorities say he was filming an episode of of his home renovation show on the DIY Network, and broke into the foreclosed home next door. Police say he stole furniture, bikes, a pool heater and other random things. It’s sad that in a society as progressive as our, there are still people intentionally going to jail just so they can get a meal, isn’t it?

Sticking up for an alleged rapist is honorable now
Comedian Norm Macdonald tweeted this week that fellow Saturday Night Live alumnus Eddie Murphy declined to do a Bill Cosby impression for the SNL 40th anniversary special on Sunday night. He said Murphy “will not kick a man when he is down.” Cosby, on the other hand, is happy to mount a woman when she is down.

For breast results, try a wet nurse

Now you know: when guys duck face in their gym selfies, they're not trying to make their faces thinner. They're hungry, ladies.
Now you know: when guys duck face in their gym selfies, they’re not trying to make their faces thinner. They’re hungry, ladies.

Hang out in the free weight section of the gym long enough, and you’ll hear pretty much the worst unsubstantiated “science” outside of the Creationism Museum. Whether it’s rep-to-set ratios, the latest “legal” steroid or what amino acids allegedly do today (as opposed to what they did yesterday), never did any group of men prove exactly how much you need to know to demonstrate how little you actually do.

And that is how we got to men buying human breast milk online for “gains.”

Sure, it’s lower in protein with more calories, fat and carbohydrates than cow’s milk. And, yeah, it’s unregulated and the mothers who sell it might be funding how knows what kind of habits that can be found in that milk. And, so what if it’s more expensive than a gallon of gas, much less a gallon of cow’s milk? What’s the big deal if it’s counter-intuitive to everything bodybuilders hold sacrosanct?

The point, bruh, is that this is why we work out: to put our mouths on boobies, even by proxy via mail order.

Canadian lawmaker misses vote because of underwear

Sure, Congress sucks. They can’t get anything done and everyone hates them. But it could be worse. At least they’re not a parliament.

Earlier this week, you saw members of Turkey’s parliament fight during a discussion of a controversial bill, but we’ve got something worse. In Canada, a member of parliament was forced to leave his seat during a vote because his underwear was too small, in what might be the highest-profile humblebrag Canada has ever seen.

Pat Martin told the House of Commons that he accidentally bought underwear a size too small, and he bought a lot because they were half price. The problem is that it’s uncomfortable for him to sit down. That’s exactly why John Boehner goes commando.