Ask Dr. Snee: As manly as you choose to be

... Or you could put on a surgical mask to avoid my sexy musk. Your loss.
… Or you could put on a surgical mask to avoid my sexy musk. Your loss.

Oh, hello there, medical readers. You’ll have to excuse my smell. I’ve just been maxing out on bench. Yep, putting a lot of weight up.

It probably just reeks of masculinity in here. As a doctor,* I’d advise you to leave. You know, unless you’re into that sort of thing.

So, let’s get to your letters, and then I’m off to the showers. Continue reading Ask Dr. Snee: As manly as you choose to be

Depressing part of Georgia can be yours! Act now!

Not to be outdone by foreigners, a piece of America and popular fiction can be yours for under three quarters of a cool million. Of course, saying it’s a part of popular fiction might be stretching it a little.

The it in question is Grantville, Georgia, appropriated by Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead, as the hometown of Rick Grimes, main protagonist of said comic and show. The former mayor, Jim Sells, has put the downtown section of the town for sale. The scenery was used for an episode of the show!

While yes, it’s just the downtown area and not the entire town itself, isn’t it better to own than rent?

Utah rabbits are going to be high all the time, dude

Stoner rabbits have bloodshot eyes and are constantly late.
Stoner rabbits have bloodshot eyes and are constantly late.

The Utah state legislature is considering a bill that would allow for the use of medical marijuana. (Yes, we really mean Utah.) And not everyone is happy about it. It’s led to one federal official to offer a very stern warning.

Drug Enforcement Agency Special Agent Matt Fairbanks said that if Utah allows the use of marijuana for people with certain medical conditions, the wild rabbits will grow a taste for marijuana, and basically just get high all the time. When that happens, they lose their fear of humans.

Folks, we can’t have this. Our enemies must fear our superior power. If we get them addicted to illicit drugs, maybe we should go with a more life-ruining drug, like heroin or crack.

French toughness begins (and ends) at home

Maybe the French wouldn't have to smack their kids if they made them ease up on the booze.
Maybe the French wouldn’t have to smack their kids if they made them ease up on the booze.

Despite their active military involvement in Libya and Syria, plus those two minor world wars and some guy named Napoleon, the French kind of get a bad wrap for not being among the toughest Western nations. Well, they mean to change that by not shying away from one fight in particular: with their children.

In response to a complaint by Approach, a British-based child protection charity, the Council of Europe ruled that France is violating the European Social Charter, which bans corporal punishment of children. French law currently reserves the right of any parent to smack their children when their high-falutin’ language doesn’t work.

Of course, while France is willing to take on their smallest citizens, they don’t plan to challenge adults in their own country, calling instead for “a ‘collective debate’ on the ‘the usefulness of corporal punishment in the education of children.'” So, same old France.