Pharmacy gives kids bipolar medicine for Halloween

Did you know that they celebrate Halloween in Canada, too? It’s true. And unlike their so-called “Thanksgiving,” they celebrate Halloween on Oct. 31, just to be more like America. One big difference is that they give out candy at pharmacies. That’s how trick-or-treaters were accidentally treated to some bipolar medicine. Authorities in Quebec City say … Continue reading Pharmacy gives kids bipolar medicine for Halloween

For Halloween, kids get candy, adults get cash

Smarties, anything from Palmer’s and pennies. What do they have in common? All are swiftly thrown asunder for the better items that make their way to people on Halloween. Sure, kids might get chocolate coins, but this past Friday, in Maryland, adults on I-270 got real coins … and greenbacks. A bag of cash (which … Continue reading For Halloween, kids get candy, adults get cash

Wild hogs attempting to ruin Halloween

We at SeriouslyGuys are most assuredly on the side of Halloween. When else can we get away with buying lots of candy? That’s why we can’t stand it when some jerks are trying to ruin the holiday, whether it’s creepers putting razor blades in apples, dentists handing out toothbrushes or wild pigs. That’s right, Florida … Continue reading Wild hogs attempting to ruin Halloween

The McBournie Minute: Halloween costume don’ts

Halloween is here, and the good news is that it’s on a Friday this time around. That means that you can go out in public wearing your costume on your way to a party and not get any more looks from strangers than usual. The bad news is that it’s on a Friday this time … Continue reading The McBournie Minute: Halloween costume don’ts

Criminals get in the Halloween spirit

When you walk into almost any store, you find candy, masks and fake cobwebs. That can only mean one thing: it’s almost Christmas! But before we can celebrate that, we have a lesser-known holiday called Halloween, where everyone dresses up and there’s some general spookiness. Not in the spirit yet? We’ll fix that. A 76-year-old … Continue reading Criminals get in the Halloween spirit

Take it from Snee: Psychoanalyzing your halloween costume

We all wear masks. Some of us put on the mask of a joker to hide internal turmoil and insecurity. Others put on a mask of nerdiness because it’s easier to disguise you’re stupid by watching a lot of Star Trek instead of reading a goddamn book. But, as Kierkegaard posited, “a midnight hour comes when … Continue reading Take it from Snee: Psychoanalyzing your halloween costume

The McBournie Minute: It’s Halloween, not Comic-Con

Halloween is fun for all ages. When you’re young, you get to dress up like your favorite cartoon and get all sorts of candy. When you’re older, you get to reveal your inner nerd by dressing up as someone from your favorite TV show or movie. Not to hate on a holiday that allows everyone … Continue reading The McBournie Minute: It’s Halloween, not Comic-Con

The very finest in Halloween costume technology

A pair of enterprising brothers from New Jersey have … wait for it … launched a line of saggy jeans that clip to specialty boxer shorts. The mooks got the idea from their kids, who had difficulty playing sports and other antiquities from the 1990s before the invention of belts and the Xbox. How can … Continue reading The very finest in Halloween costume technology

Take it from Snee: Keep your mitts off of Halloween

Once again, a major holiday happens to fall on Hump Day, and like last time, “Take it from Snee” will observe it. I’m a huge fan of Halloween, and like The Guys who are Red Sox fans, I’ve endured countless ups and downs. In the early years, I couldn’t catch a break on Halloween and … Continue reading Take it from Snee: Keep your mitts off of Halloween