Calling all warriors in the nation’s capital

It seems like it’s been a while since we have had any news on the whales/U.S. Navy battlefront. Today, we bring good tidings, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case of the United States v. Free Willy.

To catch everyone up, species traitors have claimed that the U.S. Navy’s sonar on its submarines confuses and kills whales. (That’s the whole point!) First, a federal judge ordered the Navy to stop using its sonar that could kill marine life. Then, a Circuit Court judge said they could use the sonar, screw the marine life, before taking it back and saying the sonar had to go.

Finally, we are reaching the court that understands us like no one else. Best yet, it’s the Highest Court in the Land, and it has a couple appointees from the pro-sonar Bush administration. They seem to be a bit confused right now, so let’s all head down there and picket the court until they deliver justice!