French honor another annoying American performer

Barbara Streisand received an honorary Legion of Honor medal today, proving that the French are certainly on top of things when it comes to art. She was also declared what the French love about America, also proving once again why we can’t get along.

We’re still waiting to hear when Miami Vice (“best new show on television”) will be recognized by the French government.

Fun, but obvious, fact: Recent honorees include Jerry Lewis, Valentino and Norman Mailer.

Death of a playwright

Greek playwright Aeschylus died in 458 BC under unusual circumstances. The bald man was killed when an eagle dropped a live tortoise on him, mistaking his shiny head for a rock.

This has been an SG fun fact.

Fun fact

The word “decimation” comes from Roman ancient Roman times. It comes from the Latin root “decem,” meaning ten. It was a form of punishment for groups, in particular, armies.

When an army was decimated, someone was ordered to kill every tenth person in the ranks.

This has been an SG fun fact.