Child care expendible in England

The downfall of the U.S. economy is not only being felt here at home, it is being felt abroad as well. Yes, it is a sign of the times when wealthy British people are tightening their belts and letting go of their nannies.

This truly is sad news. How will our their nation’s wealthy care for their children when they are too busy working to continue their ridiculously wealthy lifestyle? Are they going to be forced to quit their jobs and raise their own children? Or even worse, send their children to day care with middle class children?

Let us remind you why this is bad for Americans. If British nannies cannot find work in their own country, they will come to the U.S., legally or not, and start raising our nation’s wealthy children to speak with accents, enjoy games like rugby and polo, and enjoy Earl Grey tea. Worst of all, they’ll be bringing with them their limey families and having anchor babies here so they won’t get deported. They won’t even speak our language! And slowly, they will sap our welfare system dry.

Watch the skies. There could be flying umbrellas westbound over the Atlantic already.