Cut for the good of the world

It is imperative that we all remember that the enemy is all around us, as are species traitors. However, unlike our animal enemies, human species traitors are willing to go to far more extremes than any rational animal would.

Take the case of Jennifer Thornburg, formerly just your average human being, Thornburg joined known terrorist group PETA. After that, her life took a turn for the worst. Presumably she started hanging out with the wrong crowd, and now she has officially changed her name to (we don’t hyperlink to terrorists).

Obviously, the site is against dissecting animals, because cutting open a dead animal to learn more about how it works is far too painful for the recently passed animal, who just happens to be dead. Folks, we need to fight extremist like this. It is every American’s God-given right to hunt down, kill, dissect, eat, make into clothing, or stuff and keep as a trophy. More so, it is our right to fight an enemy that plots our destruction. High school biology students: pay no attention to the left-wing surrenderists, you’re doing a great job and we all support your sacrifice.