Defense #1: The walled city of Disney World

A call to arms has been sounded in Florida, and judging by the state’s population, the call will likely be answered with semi-automatic weaponry. One south Florida city is calling to secede from the Union. Well, rather, just break away from the top half of Florida to become its own state.

This will likely spark a civil war between the North and South. The South fighting for its independence, the North fighting to preserve the United State of Florida. The future of Florida hangs like a chad in the balance.

This blog can see now, the potential horrors that lie ahead: brother pitted against brother, elderly Jewish people against the tight shirt-clad Latinos. Oh, the horror. We will likely see the South appeal to Cuba and its mighty navy to assist in the fight, but the pleas will go unheeded. Meanwhile, the fighting will remain around the middle section of the state, until the North invades the South, pillaging and razing trendy night clubs as it goes.

This serves as further evidence that the Union is falling apart.

(Courtesy of Courtney P.)