6 thoughts on “How many words do they have for ‘water?’”

  1. Yeah – hang on to this one story. Since a hole the size of Texas was blown in your Polar Bears are on the verge of extension myth. Fact – the number of Polar Bears is on the rise!

    Fuzzy math does not equal man-made global warming. Funny solid math states repeatedly – we have been on a 7 year COOLING trend. Hottest year on record – 1938.

    Carbon-Big-Foot Al Gore said it – it must be the truth. That’s the extent of your research.


  2. Well, so what? 10,000 years ago there was a subcontinent called “Beringia” connecting Alaska and Siberia, where there is now ocean; these villager’s ancestors lived there. What happened? They had to move their villages inland over and over as their homeland flooded. Global warming? You bet! Also known as the end of the last ice age.

    These events WILL occur, whether you like it or not, and whether man is responsible or not. They have done so throughout the history of the earth, and the last 10,000 years have seen dramatic changes in coastlines that had NOTHING to do with human causation. Stop wasting time, energy, money and breath on preventing what will eventually happen anyway, and FIGURE OUT THE LOGISTICS of moving these villages, if you want to preserve them.

  3. Global warming? can you say climate change tax, thats another word for Global warming. The Polar Bears live on land, they will eat anything if they have to, there are 13 tribes of polar Bears, 11 are fourishing, the other two are hanging out in front yards of people who live in Alaska. Not to worry , they will save the Polar bears before they savbe us, they have a bettr chance of survival than we do. As for the weathr, Think HAARP.

  4. I’m with the ramblers! Just because it’s getting hot in some places and colder in others as our carbon emissions increase exponentially doesn’t mean that we have anything to do with it. We can pollute the air all we want, because there’s no way we can possibly take responsibility. Woohoo!

    There are “tribes” of polar bears? Have they learned the secret of fire yet?

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