I can’t haz strip club?

Despite the best warnings of this site and all we touch, there is a large element out there that not only enjoys nature, but welcomes cute pictures of animals to their monitors both at work and at home. Do you think that a kitten is cute and unassuming? Think again!

Their claws are like razors and their poops are like unlit napalm, and yet we trust them. A man in Florida learned the hard way, do not trust kittens, especially if you are trying to get into a strip club. It’s a well-known fact that cats are not attracted to the human female form, so it stands to reason that bringing in an under-aged female should be perfectly acceptable, but the alleged bouncers weren’t having it. That’s when he called 911, several times, actually, until he found someone who would help him right this wrong.

They didn’t see it that way. Instead, the police arrested him for allegedly abusing the 911 system and allegedly that allegedly there was alcohol in his system. Allegedly. In short, this kitten, a surefire way to get attention in the strip club, ruined his night, and maybe his night, completely on purpose.