Animals, witchdoctors joining forces

There may be a crime problem in the U.S., but we really don’t have anything on the criminals of Nigeria, because they use trickery to outfox the local law enforcement–or at least they try. A goat was arrested in Nigeria recently in connection with an attempted armed robbery. The police said the goat, was part … Continue reading Animals, witchdoctors joining forces

Witchdoctors: possible ally in the Caribbean

While The Guys may not practice Santeria, the new year brought out some predictions from Rick. The Santeria priests of Cuba have put down their iguana testicles and sheep’s blood to announce their predictions of the year. For some strange reason, they didn’t say much about Fidel Castro, perhaps that’s because they fear death. Good … Continue reading Witchdoctors: possible ally in the Caribbean

Witch Watch: Milwaukee

Our ongoing coverage of the growing threat posed by witch doctors continues. An illegal Columbian immigrant, who just might be the only minority in Milwaukee, is being charged with theft after fraudulently claiming to be a witch doctor. Witch doctors: not only are their medical practices questionable, they are also after your money.

A pox upon your beef!

We’ve told you many, many times before about the dangers of witch doctors in everyday life. Nonetheless, some times, it’s as if the Weekly World News never left us. Especially when it involves animal organs. The best part of the story? Officers said they did some research and found a cow’s tongue is used in … Continue reading A pox upon your beef!

Black magic besieges Congo’s penises

Men of Congo, look out-your local witch doctors are after your most prized possession! Don’t understand? Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men’s penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft. No longer a myth, men are actually … Continue reading Black magic besieges Congo’s penises

The McBournie Minute: Drink like a president

Happy Presidents’ Day, everyone. If you live on the East Coast, there’s a decent chance you were just hit or are now being hit by a snow storm. That means you’re hoping you don’t have to go outside for any reason tomorrow, and would rather just drink. It’s the most appropriate way to celebrate Presidents’ … Continue reading The McBournie Minute: Drink like a president

Take it from Snee: And you thought the Internet was no good

Just like with the printing press and television, we knew that the Internet was going to change the way the world works. And by change, we meant destroy the very fabric of society, leaving those unfortunate souls who remain shambling around alone into signposts, staring into their pamphlet/portable TV/iPhone. And, for the most, part, yeah, … Continue reading Take it from Snee: And you thought the Internet was no good