It takes balls to get to bottom of Loch Ness

Actual illustration of the crime scene from local authorities.Loch Ness, fabled home to Nessie, an alleged prehistoric monster that occasionally reveals herself to drunk Scotsmen, is home to an historic find: balls. Lots and lots of balls.

No, we don’t mean that she, Nessie, is actually a he, but that we may not be able to find her because locals having been using the Loch for years as a driving range. Thousands of golf balls litter the floor as far out as 300 yards from the beach.

After a constant bombardment of golf balls, and a lake of recent sightings, SeriouslyGuys has the balls evidence to officially declare Nessie dead. Good going, Scots. Maybe you can start hunting down Bigfoots (Bigfeet?).

It’s either that or, if the submarine expeditions can find something as small as golf balls, could it be that the giant dinosaur doesn’t exist?

2 thoughts on “It takes balls to get to bottom of Loch Ness”

  1. See that explains it! Someone on the shore line is hitting balls into the lake and the golf balls are skimming over the water thus giving the illusion that a creature is stirring.

  2. Scottish PD: Sir, are ye drinkin’ an’ shaggin’ balls inta the loch?

    Drunk: Aye no, sir! Twas a monster and I scared him off with this driver!

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