It’s a pairing old as time

Hot dogs and booze have been together since the dawn of time. In Germany, schnitzel and super beer are served together. Over in Italy, wine is served with everything, including an afternoon hot dog. Japan’s got sake-dogs. Russians are 38 percent vodka-based, so when they have a hot dog (or really, anything), they just bleed a little and it’s now infused with alcohol. Now, Canada gets to get into the action.

A Vancouver location has decided to create their own pair of hot dogs and booze … except, at the same time. Literally. DougieDog Hot Dogs’ has managed to infuse a bratwurst with century-old cognac, among other things (Kobe beef, lobster and truffle oil, to name a few). These are high-end items and it happens to have a high-end price as well: 100 dollars (though it’s not been said whether that’s Canadian or United States).

Yowch, talk about a bite in the dogs.