Maine hates liberty

Maine's fire for the statue burns onward until the end of time ... or if the fire runs out.Well, metaphorically speaking. Though in some cases, it may be quite literally, as the picture shows. Recently, Maine decided to ban lighters that look like things other than lighters. Now, this might be a bit of an understandable move if the items banned were lighters without safety switches, but … well, banning novelty lighters is a tad bit ridiculous. And this comes from an individual who has problems working lighters (I’m all nubs, baby).

On the other hand, let’s look on the bright side of this: more laws mean that parents have to watch their kids less. Hooray! Also, smart parenting means to leave only normal shaped lighters strewn about your domicile. That way, the kids damned well know what they are.

Oh, brainstorm! We can apply this other problems. Next time you’re out and about, scatter some normal looking, fully loaded handguns randomly about some playgrounds and schoolyards. The kids know they’re not supposed to play with them, so it’ll be a win-win situation for us all! Double hooray!