Octopi: Moral degenerates

Scientists with way too much free time on their hands have announced the results of a recent study of octopi and their sex habits. What they found only further shows how evil animals are and how they practice sexual rituals previously only associated with pagans. We need to kill these eight-armed monsters.

First off, they kill each other for women. That’s called jealousy and it is a hallmark of a poor father figure. Most likely these males had alcoholic fathers or deadbeat dads.

What is worse is that often, the males will swim like females in order to get in close and get past bigger males and get in close with the ladies. They will eventually show their true colors, and like some bizarre romance movie, the females love it. Folks, cross-dressing is only OK if you’re J. Edgar Hoover, and last time I checked, he only had two arms and two legs.

5 thoughts on “Octopi: Moral degenerates”

  1. I can’t believe that some closed minded,religious right,moral high ground seeking preacher is advocating the genocidal elimination of an entire species simply because their culture deals with romantic issues in a completely different manner than his ideal.
    Is it not sufficient punishment that to these culturally challenged creatures a long term relationship results in certian and almost immediate death.
    Learn to accept multiculturalism,judge not lest thee be judged,and besides if we kill all of them where would we get kalamari?

  2. Harry B Meadows: “Learn to accept multiculturalism,judge not lest thee be judged,and besides if we kill all of them where would we get kalamari?”

    Probably from squid, I’d venture.

  3. It depends on the couple.
    Forget the findings.
    It takes two to make things work at their own pace.
    So “screw” this news!
    I am,


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