Take it from Snee: Be yourself

“Be yourself.” It’s a cliché, sure. But, with the ability to recreate ourselves (terribly) on the Internet, it’s important to remember that being yourself isn’t the best because we’re naturally the best. It’s the best because, dude, that’s the best you’re ever going to do. For instance, I could aspire to be better. I could be … Continue reading Take it from Snee: Be yourself

You Missed It: Foreign relations edition

It’s been a rough couple weeks. Some bad and disappointing things have highlighted a major problem in our society, even though there are plenty of people posting misspelled denials it exists. But in this suckiness, take a moment and be glad that you’re not passing that ignorance on, because that’s how things change. We’ll fix … Continue reading You Missed It: Foreign relations edition

Physicists say the entire universe may end

Hey, so remember that big announcement a couple years ago about the Higgs boson? It’s that thing physicists said they thought they found, then months later confirmed they did find it? It’s some super small thing that no one seems to really understand but physicists themselves. Well, it just might end the universe, according to … Continue reading Physicists say the entire universe may end

Take it from Snee: How to respond (or not) to the #icebucketchallenge

Look, I get it. Of all the reasons we use social media, it’s not to see the same damn thing over and over again. Today, we’re getting tired of people dumping ice water on themselves. Yesterday, it was everyone’s stupid baby pictures. Back in November, everyone’s terrible facial hair. Last year, Grumpy Cat. The year … Continue reading Take it from Snee: How to respond (or not) to the #icebucketchallenge

Take it from Snee: Women are still mysterious

A little over a month ago, I began investigating the enigmas that are women — these eniginas, if you will — after learning that Stephen Hawking is wasting valuable research time thinking about them. (Get back to your black holes, sir. You study cosmology, not Cosmo.) Well, it looks like my investigation has attracted the … Continue reading Take it from Snee: Women are still mysterious

Take it from Snee: Women are mysterious

In recent news, the smartest man on wheels, Stephen Hawking revealed that he, too, spends most of his time thinking about women. And I, for one, feel much better for knowing that, because I also find women to be “a complete mystery,” as Professor Hawking put it. However, I am concerned because, again, if Stephen … Continue reading Take it from Snee: Women are mysterious

You Missed It: Secret of the ooze edition

I’m back, I know both of you missed me. What did I miss while I was gone? Apparently, a fair amount. I would like to thank Chugs “Chris” Taylor not only for handling YMI in my absence, but for actively encouraging the ruination of my trip. He is the Glenn Beck of vacations. Anyway, if … Continue reading You Missed It: Secret of the ooze edition


Ever wanted to experience weightlessness? You can! All you have to do is shell out $3,750–and who doesn’t have that lying around? However, if you’re a poor, world-renowned physicist and Cambridge professor like Stephen Hawking, you get to ride for free. Key picture (from BBC): Which looks oddly like this picture of SGers Bryan Schools … Continue reading W-E-E-E-E-E