Perhaps this case goes all the way to the high court?

Frank Shoemaker, a Nebraskan attorney, really wants his state to legalize marijuana. Frank’s sponsored a petition drive to make legalization a state ballot issue. But, when he tried to take his message to the streets with a vanity license plate, the DMV refused, and now he’s fighting The Man (who is a woman named Beverly Neth) in court.

All Frank wanted was a license plate that said, “NE 420,” but Neth wouldn’t give it to him. She believes the plate could mean anything, from “Adolf Hitler, who was born on April 20, 1889” to “the Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, which took place on April 20, 1999.” Or, as Neth initially said, it could be about promoting marijuana use, an illegal drug in the state … unless:

  • Unless Frank Shoemaker gets his license plate …
  • And enough petition signatures …
  • And enough votes to pass his ballot measure.

What the DMV’s saying is: it’s a slippery slope.

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