Pervert gets 1,000 lashes … from Saudi government

Oh, it must be hard to be a father-figure government based on religious law, especially when that pesky human nature gets in the way. But, it must be even worse when your punishments are kind of kinky as well.

Saudi Arabia has sentenced Mazen Abdul Jawad to 5 years’ imprisonment and 1,000 lashes for “bragging” in a Lebanese documentary about enjoying sex, toys and women he’s not married to.

It’s a good thing that the Saudi government doesn’t stand for these kind of stories. The last thing they’d want the world to think is that their men are normal, not sexless, humorless religious fanatics.

One thought on “Pervert gets 1,000 lashes … from Saudi government”

  1. Hey man, they’re just trying to show him how horrid his pervert life is. They can’t help it if whips happen to be the technological marvel of the century for their government.

    All the cool stuff got burned in the oil fires.

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