Resent all of your kids equally

"I may be hugging both of you, but I'm wearing deodorant under only one arm."
“I may be hugging both of you, but I’m wearing deodorant under only one arm.”

Even if one of your children seems like a bastard, that’s no reason to treat them like one. That’s according to researchers from the University of Toronto, who say that differential parenting — when you clearly prefer one child over another in thought and deed — may negatively affect the entire family.

So, if you hoped that locking the bad one in the cupboard would keep him out of the good one’s way, no dice, Mr. Dursley. Looks like you’ll have to try a method of parenting that the Guys* developed called “Equal Opportunity Spankings.”

We plan to sell these, so we can’t tell you much about the EOS home kit other than it involves a Sorry game board, moisturizer and a Mad Libs book where all the noun spaces are filled in with your children’s names.

*None of the Guys are parents, which makes us the best judges on how to raise your children. No conflict of interest here.