Savage: Loves America so much that he wants to leave

When it comes to being on the radio, it used to mean you were just ugly. Nowadays, it also helps to be a moron like Michael Savage.

Savage, who is known to rally the simple and easily-led against any further immigration and sealing off the borders, is angry because he’s not allowed to visit England.

Let’s break that down:

1. Savage hates foreigners coming to his country for, in his opinion, ruining the language, refusing to respect our government and breaking the law to enter because they’re not on the official list. (A list that he wants eliminated, by the way.)

2. He wants to enter the United Kingdom, a country whose language some would believe we’ve ruined, whose constitutional monarchy is the butt of our jokes and he’d have to break the law to get in because he’s not on the list. (Actually, he’s on a list: the do-not-allow-into-the-UK list.)

3. Savage hates lawyers for defending illegal immigrants in the United States and believes that their efforts to change immigration law is morally wrong.

4. He’s using British lawyers to get him off the banned list, changing British immigration law.

So, the real message of the Savage Nation would be: “Can I please leave the United States of America? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?

4 thoughts on “Savage: Loves America so much that he wants to leave”

  1. It’s about time someone said out loud that some right wing radio show people constantly spew their hate and venom. Colin Powell is in a war of words with Limbaugh, the biggest mouth of them all. I firmly believe in free speech so it’s about time people began speaking up LOUDLY against those that, for their own financial benefit, foster fear and loathing of anyone they don’t like.

  2. Why don’t limpballs, savagery, o’really, hanshitty,and others like them leave America and form their own country?! Somewhere where there are no airwaves, preferably!
    They could erect a wall around it and sit around yelling at each other. That is all these idiots do, and in any other country, they would be whipped and probably hung for their hate-filled agenda.
    Bravo, UK, for slapping this moron upside his huge, poisoned head.

  3. You pleople here are mentally ill.I am an immigrant from central america that learned how to write and speak english. I beleive that most of the immingrants that come here from south of the border do not want to assimilate and hate this country. I agree with what savage says most of the time and you liberals are just a bunch of losers.

  4. Joseph if you are so into liking Michael Savage views, why dont you invite him to go back with you to your country? I bet I know what will be the answer to that: he will call you an ignorant imigrant who’s taking our jobs here in the USA, and have no rights to make an opinion since you “migrate from the wrong side of the border” So you see, Michael Savage will deny you the same respect he’s asking for himself. that my friend is not only shameful but anybody supporting his crazy views should take a hard look at himself and disociated himself from this menace to our democracy.

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