So, a Polish man drives a bus into a lake …

No, that’s not the beginning of a joke, nor even the punchline of one. Sadly, that’s actually the headline of a story–though, you might be able to say that the jokes, sometimes, write themselves.

We live in a day and age where GPS and SAT/NAV units are getting to be nearly as commonplace as a cell phone or an iPod … all over the world. Why, if commercials trying to connect Americans with Napoleon using one don’t advise you of this fact, then I don’t know what will. Unfortunately, we, as a people and a civilization, are starting to become too attached to them. Take for example, a gentleman from Poland.

While driving around the area of Glubczyce (in the south west part of Poland), a man looked down to his GPS unit. Not uncommon for many people, especially like him, that are so used to roads that rarely ever change. He should’ve looked up. Since changes had been made to build a new reservoir lake, what was once a road was no longer.

And what was once a dry vehicle was no longer. The GPS hadn’t been updated in time. A man and his passengers were now all wet, thanks to his undying faith in the GPS (Following the warning signs? Balderdash!).

Where is the man now? Living in a man, down IN the river.

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