Space: The financial frontier

When asked whether the International Space Station could ever earn its $100 billion dollar price tag (so far), NASA official David Leckrone said, “I think it’s time to start showing what [this] station can really do.”

Leckrone then mashed some random buttons, placed his hands behind his back and stated in a British accent that, “You may fire when ready.”

He then cupped his hands over his mouth to add echoes to his “pew-pew” laser sounds, followed by waving them over a picture of the Earth to depict what we presumed was its annihilation.

3 thoughts on “Space: The financial frontier”

  1. Two words: space porn. A guaranteed moneymaker! A few zero-G humpfests and they’ll be profitable in no time.

    That’s okay, NASA. No charge for the consultation. Just cut me in for a percentage.

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