Spitzer hooker comes clean

(What? Why are you snickering?)

Just when no one could give a damn about Ashley Alexandre Dupre, the call girl who was linked to former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s downfall, she’s decided to try the next oldest profession: media attention whoring.

Just when Silda Wall Spitzer might have moved on, Dupre’s centerstage again, apologizing through newspapers, Diane Sawyer and anyone else who wants to hear about her music, fashion and — this just in — upcoming books.

She stressed in the Diane Sawyer interview that she will never delve into prositution again, and then followed that up with more details about her “strictly business” sex with Spitzer, including that he didn’t want to talk and that he used a condom when having sex with a whore.

Silda is apparently unavailable for comment as she hasn’t publicly expressed her relief at the release of these details and Dupre’s new fall fashion line.

3 thoughts on “Spitzer hooker comes clean”

  1. Yeah she’s trying to come off like she’s sorry but in reality she’s trying to promote her music, and clothing line.

    Go on your home wrecker, and spend time and money on your book , clothing and music. I want to laugh my bum off when it all falls flat in your face, no one is going to want your things that you are selling.

    More so you try to make it sound like your affair with this married man was a ‘business transaction’… cool, do that, but I hope to god that one day if you ever fall in love, i hope your man goes and does the same kind of business transaction with other women, then I want to hear from you that it’s ok, it was ‘strictly business’.

    You are a whore and you should be ashammed of yourself for the rest of your life, nothing you say to this mans wife will ever ease her pain. so stop trying to get your 15 second of fame and shut the hell up with your adultry @ss! you discust me

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