Super sweet Robocop style helmet not included.

When we think of robot exoskeletons, we think about some sort of a vehicle that carries two giant guns to help fight off the robots when they (eventually) gain sentience. I’m sorry to say real life isn’t that cool, because when scientists invent an awesome robot suit, they make them for farmers; not bloggers. Lame. This exo-suit was created by Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and is tailored for the 40% of Japan’s workers who are over 65.

This actually makes perfect sense. What is going to happen to Japan when 40% of its farmers retire? It is not going to be pretty. Thus any technology to keep those old people working and not me is definitely something to look into. This machine will help them with constantly having to bend over and lift (semi) heavy objects. Anything to make work easier is definitely something I can get behind. See, Japan, this is putting your scientific knowledge to proper use, as opposed to creating exo-suits of robotic destruction or massive robotic animals.

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