Today’s Forecast: Cloudy, with a chance of flaming eyeball

To test their new emergency broadcast system without alerting citizens, Hungary’s disaster agency will broadcast warnings today of adverse weather in Middle Earth locations. State radio and television stations will report “floods and catastrophic weather in Gondor, Rohan, Rivendell, Helm’s Deep and other locations inhabited by Hobbits, Orcs, Elves, Ents and Dwarves.”

Unfortunately, it still backfired: New Zealand has already reported receiving aid kits from saddened Hungarians.

(Via Alexis)

Irony alert


Somebody, start thinking of the children!

In 2009, candy-like nicotine orbs were released into the market, designed for people who need that nicotine fix but are in a no-smoking at all situation. They’re small, dissoluble and come in two delightful flavors: cinnamon and mint. There’s no way that could cause trouble.

Oh, right-children will put anything into their mouth that can fit in it. Yeeps. That appears to be causing a bit of a problem among the kiddies, as they’re popping the orbs like there’s no tomorrow when they can get their fat little hands on them, resulting in infant and child poisoning. Who would guessed?