Jewish parents? How did he Nazi that coming?

You know how, whenever somebody comes out against gay rights, it’s only a matter of time before they’re caught with a rent boy? Europe has a similar problem.

Csanad Szegedi, the regional leader of Hungary’s anti-semitic, far-right Jobbik party, had to hold a very serious interview, in which he confessed to having parents of Jewish origin. (What Szegedi meant to say is that he has Jewish origins because that’s how parentage f–king works.) He concluded his statement with this heartwarming sentiment:

“Knowing who is a pure-race Hungarian is not what counts. The important thing is the way one behaves as a Hungarian. [You know, because I’m Jewish now.]”

Ironically, it is because of far-right leaders like Szededi that Jewish Hungarians like his family hid their Jewish origins. But, let’s not end on such a downer. Instead, let’s learn how to dismiss a sheepish Nazi with class. Dr. Richard Prasquier, president of CRIF, the umbrella group of France’s Jewish community, the podium is yours:

“We can but offer our sympathies in light of the terrible discovery. In different circumstances, the appropriate solution would be hara-kiri. Having not chosen this option, the unfortunate Szegedi is forced to embark on philosophical pursuits superior to his intellectual capacity.”

Thank god it wasn’t a sex scandal

The Guys prepared for the worst when we heard the longtime White House correspondent Helen Thomas retired in an uproar. Fortunately, there is no sex tape, just some anti-Semitism.

In a Youtube video last week, Thomas suggested that Israelis should “get the hell out of Palestine,” and “go home” to “Poland, Germany … and America and everywhere else.”

Of course, the big issue for the other correspondents is her prime front row seat in the White House press room. Sides are already being staked out as the news reporters are suggesting that the seat isn’t appropriate for opinion writers.

See? It’s just like if you were forced to resign from your job for taking an nonobjective side in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.