God hates mylar bags

You know what’s sad? When Fred Phelps and the Westboro “Totally Not Gay” Baptists make it to Comic-Con before we do.

Phelps plans to picket the world-famous comic book convention because he believes nerds worship comic characters instead of Phelps Jesus. He hopes to encourage attendees to put down the action figures and pick up a Bible, warning them that

“The destruction of this nation is imminent – so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry.”‘

Well, Fred, we’ve tried that. And as much as we’ve prayed for Jesus to slap the blasphemy out of you, it’s more likely that someone dressed as Aquaman will finally do it.

So, thanks for converting us over to the church of a comics character based on Greek (read: butt-loving) paganism.

(Special thanks to Matt Staggs.)

It’s not a quiet storm that’s a-coming

A group of scientists met at the California Institute of Technology last week to discuss what would happen if recent storms in California were to continue for weeks instead of days.

Should we expect the great island of California? Will DC Comics fictional world of Sub Diego become a reality?

Nah, just lots of mudslides and water up to your head. Which, in my case, means that I’ll have already drowned 10 minutes beforehand.