Take it from Snee: Cleaning out the language gutters for 2012

Every year, Michigan’s Lake Superior University and I like to take stock of the English language. The school lets students nominate words that they feel have become misused, overused and cliché, and the winners are compiled into a list for your banishment consideration. This is a valuable lesson in democracy in which students learn that they can make nominations and cast votes, while a college has the liberty of overriding their decision.

I refer to this act as “cleaning out the language gutters,” which should be performed yearly lest they fill with water and gunk, and then freeze and burst. After all, if I wanted to persist with a language full of ridiculous words, I would have continued taking Spanish in college. Continue reading Take it from Snee: Cleaning out the language gutters for 2012

Did somebody get told?

In response to today’s Headline of the Day, “Low dietary fat more effective in fighting breast cancer than wearing pink,” all we can say is DA-YUM.

We almost asked the writer, David Liu, who peed in his mammogram results, but–show of hands–anyone out there not aware of breast cancer?

That it kills a lot of women, and breasts are removed?

Getting tested is a good idea?

Yeah, that’s what we thought. Maybe it’s time for Komen to get into cookbooks instead of cheesy bumper stickers.