Get ready for your ‘Webmaster’ to block this site

Do you have any idea how many hacks we had to write into SG to make it readable in IE6?

If you’re reading this at work, then chances are pretty good that it’s through Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, isn’t it? We’re sure you don’t want to, that you use Firefox or Opera at home, but your company just won’t upgrade to IE 8 because of “security reasons.”

Oh, yeah. IE’s up to version 8. Remember how your IT department said not to upgrade to 7, yet? Anyone in sales knows that “yet” generally means never, especially when their barely functioning intranet (look for the .asp) was hastily put together back in 2001 and won’t work on more streamlined browsers.

Well, it appears that the Internet hears your cries and is rebelling with a netroots “IE 6 No More” campaign.

Either they’ll win and your office will finally upgrade, or you’ll eventually be unable to browse any Web site written before the first season of American Idol. (We’ll always have the hamster dance.)

This is the end … this is the end, my dial-up friend

Netscape Navigator, that 28.8 and 56K champion, died a sad and quiet death this past Saturday. It was unloved and unused for most of the past five years.

In its prime, Netscape was a browser chosen not for its proven ability and power, but for its visual design, making it the aesthetic winner of the mid-1990s, or as I like to call it, Web 0.7. If you ask them, many will remark that they haven’t used Netscape since their days in high school, running on that new Pentium-powered edition of Windows 95. I know that I can. A moment of silence, if you please …

… Now, if you’re not using Firefox, you’re a dummy. Get off of Internet Explorer already and get with the program, dumb-face.