
Insert phrase about how medical professionals do nothing but take your money here.

We at SG aren’t particularly keen on having to visit the dentist. It isn’t that we don’t take care of our teeth (I personally brush my teeth 3 times a day with lard with lardpaste with toothpaste), we just feel that people that want to poke around in our mouths with metallic objects creep us the hell out. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, sure, but sometimes a dude that’s constantly wanting you to open your mouth so he can mess around in it with sharp implements is just a guy that may be of questionable morality.

As such, it doesn’t surprise us at all that Richard Ludwig, a millionaire-value level dentist, decided to not turn in a credit card that he found in a parking lot, but to instead go out for pizzas with it.

Deputies say that when they asked him why he took the card and used it, Dr. Ludwig told them, “I picked up the card, what was I supposed to do with it?” The odd thing was, deputies say the dentist had $250.00 in his wallet the entire time.

Check out the mugshot. I’m not saying that Ludwig has ever killed a person, much less injured anybody, but the sheriff’s department might want to open up some cold case files.

How to: Answer the phone

Over the past ten years, human beings have changed the way we socialize with each other, mostly because of technological advances like caller ID, social Web sites and cell phones. At this point, it is rare when we are contacted by a complete, unidentified stranger.

So, what do you do when an unknown phone number pops up on your cell phone? You could screen the call, but where’s the adventure in that? Back in the old days, it could have been a radio contest or even an old fashioned ploy for your credit card number.

Still, when was the last time you were even in a robbery attempt? See? That’s damn exciting!

As a service to your boring Friends-list (notice how it sounds like friendless?) only life, The Guys are bursting your bubble and teaching you how to answer the phone. Continue reading How to: Answer the phone