Brought to you by Tums

Now that you’re probably finished with your lunch, how about some oysters? What’s that? You don’t like oysters all that much? Too bad, we already entered you in a competition.

Alright, we didn’t. But there was an oyster-eating competition in New Orleans recently. Patrick “Deep Dish” Bertoletti, an American, we assume, came away with the title by eating 35 DOZEN oysters. Bertoletti beat the champion, Crazy Legs “Crazy Legs” Conti in what had to be an upsetting loss for the incumbent.

“They’re supposed to be an aphrodisiac,” said Conti, whose real name is Crazy Legs. “But I think that’s only true for about the first three dozen. When you get up higher than that, you don’t want much activity for a while.”