Obama’s first misstep

President George Bush was one of our strongest allies in the War on Animals. He opened up sensitive habitats to infrastructure development and made sure the U.S. Navy could go about killing whales with its sonar, as it has since 1775. But President Barack Obama seems to be working against us.

Obama is undoing some of the good that Bush did. Yesterday our new president overturned a rule in the Endangered Species Act letting federal agencies skip asking scientists if something can be built in an area where such species call home. In plain English, it means the agencies could sign off on projects without checking to see if it might hurt some of our beastly foes.

Don’t let this stop you, developers. We can always get this overturned in the courts. Besides, if that doesn’t work we can just buy off the scientists. You know, the same ones who say global warming is a sham.