Tyler Durden strikes again!

Being a senior in high school is a rather crazy time in a person’s life. You’re inundated with so much information: there’s announcements, activities, special classes, counseling sessions to prepare for college and presentations. Oh man, the presentations. There are just so many “seniors only” presentations, all you can do is really just sit back and take in the information.

Well, maybe you shouldn’t take in all of the information shown to you, at least, not until you’re 18. Or 21 in some states.

Take it from Snee: This ‘Fight Club’ sucks

OK, so you may have noticed a few digs against fight clubs in this space recently.

It’s not that I dislike the book or the movie. Far from it, actually. The book is a fascinating yarn about young males in a non-violent society’s quest for manhood. The movie is, in some ways, superior to the book … until the ending.


My problem with Fight Club is that same one I have with anal sex: practical application. You see, I was invited to attend a “real” one.

Here’s what happened: Continue reading Take it from Snee: This ‘Fight Club’ sucks