Your game and you

Science marches on, and today it looks at your game!

Jeffrey Hall of the University of Kansas communication studies department has analyzed five different flirting approaches: physical, traditional, polite, sincere and playful. Whichever one you use can determine who you are as a person and what type of relationships you look for.

Unfortunately for The Guys, he left off “inappropriate” and “discomforting.”

Number 16 has nice hashtags

Are you single? Do you want to find that special somebody in 140 characters or less? Then flittering may be the way for someone to finally retweet you every now and then.

In Canada, singles were invited to flirt via Twitter. Yes, they all had to be in the same room, but they didn’t actually have to talk to each other, which you know, isn’t really important in a relationship anyway. Everyone wore a number and watched their cell phones for tweets that might be in reference to them.

Unsurprisingly, the events organizer claims that flittering makes it easier for shy people to meet someone. More importantly, it makes it so shy people never have to overcome their paralyzing fears of interaction with the opposite sex.

The Guys prefer stwittering, stalking people on Facebook.

Get a haircut, lovebirds!

Saudi Arabia is known as the, well, Saudi Arabia of the Middle East. Sometimes it’s friendly to westerners, sometimes they have public beheadings, so really, it’s a coin toss as to how we view the country.

That’s why we’re glad to hear the country is making its version of hippies get a haircut. And by “hippies” we mean men who flirt with women in public places. This blog isn’t sure what that means, but if that means public display of affection (PDA), then we are all for it. It’s time to cut back on people making out in public worldwide by threatening to cut their hair.

It is annoying to see, disgusting to watch and a problem plaguing our nation’s long-haired youth of both genders. Say, we could enforce it on the womens, too!