Cue Sandra Bullock/Dennis Quaid Movie

Abortions are a squeamish topic, and it’s always rough on both parties involved when one happens. Emotions run high. Things are done and said that probably aren’t meant to normally happen.

Like buying a billboard proclaiming how your girlfriend has killed your child because she may have had an abortion and then reluctantly changing the name of your self-founded organization because it spells out said girlfriend’s name. Coincidentally enough. In his defense, with the way Greg Fultz looks, he might not have had many chances to procreate as it is.

We’re just going to assume that the two are not together at the moment.

Take it from Snee: The motherf@#king First Amendment

The First Amendment is a funny thing. After the U.S. Constitution was ratified, it was the very first of ten proposed additions that would guarantee certain rights to citizens. The fact that a bunch of guys would propose free speech and religion before guns shows that either

a) We used to be more sophisticated than our modern breed that flocked to The Expendables this weekend, or

b) The Founding Fathers realized shooting people is worthless unless you have the right to say something really cool beforehand.

And, really, is there anything more American than unrestrained words and gun violence? You could tell they were really reaching for ideas afterwards because the next amendment they could think up was quartering, followed by some lawyer s&#t. Continue reading Take it from Snee: The motherf@#king First Amendment