Aussie AG surprisingly not named Nancy

He’s a brave man. Such a brave man, despite being a complete and total nancy-boy.

The South Australian Attorney General that happens to be the only politician standing between Australia and a mature rating for video games in the country, says that he’s more at risk from gamers than motorcycle gangs. No, really.

I feel that my family and I are more at risk from gamers than we are from the outlaw motorcycle gangs who also hate me and are running a candidate against me,” Michael Atkinson said on ABC TV’s Good Game.

Atkinson says that a gamer slipped a “threatening note” under his door early one morning.

“The outlaw motorcycle gangs haven’t been hanging around my doorstop at 2 a.m.,” he said. “A gamer has.”

DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMMM!!!!! Did you not read that? A threatening note. From a gamer no less, even though there’s been no evidence to support that at all. We can totally understand where he’s coming from. A strong combination of Cheetos powder and sexual slurs proclaimed by boys that have yet to hit puberty have been known to account for a numerous amount of deaths every year.

Maybe. Possibly. Eh, who knows?

The faker it is, the more vile its nature

EA’s recent PR stunt at E3, in which they organized a protest outside the LA Convention Center and hand out pamphlets directing people to for their upcoming game Dante’s Inferno, was a stroke of genius. You can call it dumb, or cheap or dirty, but the fact remains that it got them a crap ton of press in both the gaming world and the mainstream, and it fooled a whole lot of people — whether they admit to be fooled or not. This would usually be what you call a successful PR move.

Not so much on all fronts. It would seem that even a fake group can offend — though, in this case, it offended those they stereotyped. Like Pavlovian dogs trained to raise their head if someone mocks an aspect of Christianity, some Christians were offended.

“‘It’s been clear for a while now that the entertainment industry views Christians on the whole as priggish, thin-skinned fun-killers,’ writes Margaret Cabaniss on her website.”

Sadly, she’s not alone in her ability to present an ironic statement about how Christians are actually hip and with-it when it comes to gaming. Catholic Video Gamers had a few choice words to say too, culminating in,

“So instead of engaging in a shamelessly anti-Christian stunt to promote your poor excuse of a product, maybe you ought to work on making this game, you know, something better than a blatant God of War rip-off and make it, ya know, something worthwhile?”

Newsflash, people: we’re talking about a game that’s already made. So your admonishment to pour the effort spent hating Christians back into making the game is moot.

Where does he get those wonderful toys?

In our continuing support of Apple and compulsive gamblers alike, we would like to let our Las Vegas followers be warned: Vegas is now on-to an application for the iPhone that helps blackjack players count cards.

There has been no headway still on an application that helps gamers pick up women, though.