Taco-gate Part 35: The Refusal to End

Just when you thought it might actually be over…

Taco Bell is really not letting this whole beef lawsuit controversy go.

Taco Bell demanded an apology. Now, as it awaits said apology, Taco Bell thinks it deserves even more, and is considering counter-suing. Taco Bell CEO Greg Creed says that the company started the year off very strong but the consequences of the beef lawsuit resulted in a slower quarter, and that Taco Bell is suffering from the bad publicity.

SG gets what they’re trying to do here, we really do, but frankly, it feels a little like beating a dead horse at this point. Speaking of dead horses, we’re not going to say you can find them in Taco Bell meat, but we might just heavily imply it.

This post contains only 30% new news

Remember the lawsuit filed against Taco Bell that claimed the fast-food giant’s seasoned beef was, well, less than all beef? Turns out the lawsuit’s been dropped.

Taco Bell always contended that the lawsuit was “absolutely wrong.” And the company spent a total of $7 million dollars in advertising to drive the point home that their seasoned meat is 88% beef.

Guess it worked. Beasley Allen, the law firm that filed the suit, said the marketing and product disclosure that Taco Bell offered changed their minds, and they withdrew the suit. While it seems that all they wanted was for chalupa-loving customers to know that 12% of the meat in their sandwich was beef-free, because I don’t care much for math, I have no idea how to figure out just how much actual beef is in the double decker taco. Twenty-four percent? Six percent? Fifty majillion? Yeah, that sounds about right.

Taco Fight Night, presented by Comcast

As we reported on Tuesday, an Alabama law firm is suing Taco Bell over the actual beef content of their beef, all alleging that it is only 35 percent actual beef.

Things look grim for Bell. But then, two days later, they’ve announced they’re swinging back with a countersuit against the firm, claiming that their beef is 88 percent beefy.

Both sides are claiming to have studies and science on their side. Only a legal battle can settle this … and our bloodlust.

It’s a Taco Fight, ladies and gentlemen! We’ve got ourselves a Taco Fight.