Who would’ve thought heat was hot?

Imagine this, if you will: you live in Arizona. In July. As such, it tends to be very warm, to say the least, and more along the lines of pretty hot. As such, one would expect to take precautions if you’re leaving the house.

Not if you’re James Wankel. He’s a man, he won’t take any guff from the weather and he needs to see that mailman now. Of course, James is also 78 years old. This means that he’ll probably need to put some extra protection on if he’s going outside, just in case.

Except, he really needs to see that mailman now. Well James, don’t be surprised that you get second degree burns if step on a hot Arizona street in the middle of July. Just an FYI.

Important winter driving safety tip

It’s cold outside, as it pretty much is for the Northern Hemisphere every January. But here at SG, we want you to remain safe AND warm, which is why we are here to warn you that no matter how much sense it might make, no matter how tempting it could be, do not put a space (or “blow,” as they say in Europe) heater under the hood of your car to warm it up faster as you wait indoors.

A German man did just that, only to have his car explode, and the remnants of it burst into flames. So to review: oil and gasoline + space heater = no more car.

Stockholm syndrome

We don’t like Sweden. Aside from supermodels, they really haven’t contributed to the world. All they do is land somwhere, pillage the country of its culture, then return to their longships and head back home.

But they’re growing on us now. Not only is Stockholm culling thousands of wild rabbits, but it is sending the beasts a message by burning the carcasses to be used as fuel to heat Swedish homes.

The message: “Hey rabbits! You think you can hope around in our parks and woodlands? Your time is up, buddy! We’re going to heat ourselves during the long Nordic winter with you!”